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« It's the People! The Key to Sustainable Success | Main | HEALTHCARE'S INCONVENIENT TRUTH: Medicare's Shocking Deficit Creates Opportunity For Innovation »

September 14, 2009


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Jay D'Aprile


Indeed, we are in a period of unprecedented change (doesn’t every generation feel that way?) I agree, insurance companies are going to follow the Medicare trend of reducing payments to the provider community. I think that as that trend takes place providers will begin to have to adopt Medical Home as a model for the future of health care delivery. I am sure that you are aware of The Geisinger System which is an integrated health plan that, in basic terms, is a system where the doctors and hospitals own the insurance company. Because of this structure the providers and payers are able to work together to improve outcomes for patients while reducing costs. Keep your eyes on Geisinger to get a glimpse on how health care is going to be delivered in the future.


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