Effective interviewing skills are not part of the curricula of the vast majority of undergraduate or graduate business education programs. It is a subject that is rarely discussed in internal corporate management development courses.
It is not uncommon, especially in healthcare, for
executives to report that the majority of directors and managers in a facility
lack the experience or the skills to lead a successful interview. This
lack of experience and skills creates a weak link in the hiring process that
could lead to costly mis-hires.
Some executives or managers are too busy "selling" the
job (or themselves) to ask any probing questions that provide useful
insights. In the end, lack of experience, poor preparation, or an
unwillingness to ask tough questions less they offend the candidate, are all
commonly cited reasons for ineffective interviews.
While effective interviewing may not be rocket science, it is not
an innate skill that comes with a title or increased supervisory
The resume is the first step in the interview process. It is
commonly called the first interview. Executives or managers who lack insight
into a resume review or who fail to take the time to study the resume are
seriously compromising the employment process right out of the gate.
Here are some pointers and hints for a successful telephone interview:
- Review
the resume in advance. Ask to see the resume two or three days before the
candidate arrives for the interview. For a staff position this may
not always be possible, but it is important to take 10-15 minutes to
review the document before beginning the interview
not review resumes with candidates in the room. Have them wait outside.
Be sure they are comfortable while they wait. Very few executives
can effectively review a resume with the candidate staring across the desk. If
the resume has not been printed for you, do so. You do not want to be
staring at a computer screen with the resume while you interview the candidate.
Look for formatting errors and grammatical or spelling missteps. Check to see
if the resume consistently organizes the information in the same manner for
each job entry. If it does not, it may reflect a lack of attention to
- Be prepared -- Carefully review the summary
paragraph, if one exists, noting years of experience and accomplishments.
Do those statements tie with the rest of the resume? Look for
dates of employment. This is one of the most commonly
"fudged" entries. When candidates are only listing years,
not month and year, they may be covering for a failed tenure or a short
time of service. Why? You have a right to know. Do not
be intimidated. Trust but verify.
HINT: When a candidate
lists the term of his or her tenure as 2009 to 2010, you need to ask
whether this is one year, two years, or a shorter period of time. To a
recruiter trying to establish a threshold for qualifying years of experience,
this approach to documentation may indicate a deliberate attempt to be vague.
Do not assume.
- Common
sense rules. Look for tips of embellishment or
misrepresentation. If a candidate claims a major accomplishment ,
improving quality or turning around the financial performance of an
organization, but the term of employment is very short, it is appropriate
to develop questions, in advance, that will force the candidate to
specifically address what is either a great accomplishment or an amazing
resume enhancement. If the candidate's title history looks like a
yoyo, ask about those title changes in the face-to-face interview and
follow up that question with an effort to verify whether their base salary
moved upward, and not up and down as well.
HINT: The resume will
telegraph whether you should be prepared to ask questions regarding salary history.
Although title structure, job responsibility and salary can vary
according to the organization, generally, there is almost always a relationship
between the salary and true scope of responsibility. A salary history
that is up and down, along with the titles, may indicate that the candidate's
interviewing skills far exceed talent, the ability to execute, or both.
Candidates whose most recent base salary is significantly below the minimum for
the job for which they are applying are probably not sufficiently experienced
to produce the best results. Candidates, especially early careerists or those
who are “blatantly upwardly mobile”, are just as likely to misrepresent
their salary history as their successes.
- Focus
on the detail. Yes, the devil does live in the detail.
As you review the resume, think about developing questions --
I call them truth serum questions -- that are framed around the premise of
what former employers, employees or colleagues will tell your reference
investigators about their performance, their leadership style, personality
or behavior. This can be applied to specific claims of performance
or accomplishment. "When we talk with your former colleagues,
what will they tell us about this success?" is a great question when
it is based on issues within the resume.
HINT: Never
accuse. Never confront. I have found that a slightly apologetic approach
works well, especially in the face-to-face interview. The candidate does
not know whether you will or will not call past work associates, but you want
them to think about it, and it tends to produce a more realistic response.
© 2010 John Gregory Self Tuesday: The
Telephone Interview
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